
Welcome to the Like minded adults website. We are a friendly group of  enthusiasts, who are always looking to mmet other member who has similar interests. We strive to provide a ideal way for like minded adults to get together.  This can be done discreetly either by a video conference and or a actual face to meet meeting with others in a private setting.  We give  you the avenue to meet and engage people with your interests making it easier to participate in adult activities. We hope you will find this to be a  attractive and pleasant environment that our organization tries to foster where you feel relaxed, comfortable.  We welcome you to to join us. 


Write to us with your feedback

03/17/2011 02:37
Would you like to ask us questions about the group ?  Please contact us. We appreciate...

Welcome to Our New Website

03/17/2011 02:36
We would like to announce the launch of our new website. You can find information about all the...


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Like minded adults

Rahaway New Jersey



Do you like our new consept and will you join us ?

Yes I like the idea and will join (97)

No I am not interested (3)

I am undecided at this time (3)

Total votes: 103